Repost | 08/10/2010
Reading through the comments in reaction to Botgirl Questi's What Makes Second Life and Virtual Worlds so Stupid and Pointless (a title that is meant to be ironic) I note a comment about the librarians in SL and am glad to see someone getting what those wonderful professionals are doing. With very little support from their economically whacked institutions, these virtual world volunteers are putting together educational programs and events on their own time and dime. And the phrase that struck me in that comment was "presence over presentation."
My own initial experience of SL, which in November will be four years ago [and now working its way to eight years], was a feeling of being underwhelmed. I was invited to attend a discussion of education in SL at the Berkman Center, which is a simulation of the Harvard University institution bearing the same name. (I've told this story before, so if you've read it, go ahead and skip to the next paragraph.) Science fiction writer, David Brinn, in attendance as an avatar, commented that he couldn't believe SL was just a chatroom with bad 3D graphics. He was shouted down by a number of people in attendance. While he had expressed a sentiment that was floating in my mind, he was DAVID BRINN and he was being shouted down! It wasn't until a few months later, when a virtual colleague from the Washington Office of ALA met with me and showed me how to build things that I understood the vehemence that censured a world-renowned writer.
A group of librarians listen (at right) -- yes, Voice has been introduced -- to the announcement of the formation of the Virtual Community Library group, volunteers laying out their own money to pay tier for several islands to continue virtual librarianship in Second Life. In the photo below, a conference table can be clicked on to add chairs as people gather round for a discussion.
And that's the point of Botgirl's article. Until you've let yourself become immersed in a virtual world and explored the presence of people and their creations, you are still stuck in the shallows of presentation. How does one get out of the shallows? An approach that some librarians I know have taken is to create an alternate avatar and go native. Whether building, joining a role playing group, creating and selling clothing, or some other activity, we stepped outside the professional mask we wore when working in SL and dove deeper. The rewards were connections with real people and the reality of virtual goods, the actual value of what is created in virtual worlds and the tools that get the job done. Yes, some of those tools are not what Linden Lab provided, but what came out of work from residents.
The text floating in front of the ALA logo-emblazoned kiosk (at left) is generated via a script in the kiosk from data gathered from a Google Calendar dedicated to events for ALA Island.
For instance, several years ago, my "work" avatar, Oberon Octagon, met a wonderfully gifted scripter who is a project manager on business applications in first life in Juneau, Alaska. Among her many clever creations, she created gadgets in second life that connect with Google applications. (Her business has since merged with another talented scripter and is called MechanizedLIFE.) I set up Cog Kiosks throughout ALA Island that read information off Google Calendars to let visitors know about upcoming events. One only needs to update the Google Calendar to affect how the kiosks report, and that allows any number of people to post their events to a central calendar rather than go about editing each kiosk. More than one calendar can be merged together as well. Another terrific device she created is a Cog HUD that is worn by an avatar and accesses Google Calendars.
Personally, I find the graphics in Second Life to be beautiful. I don't want photo-realistic avatars or scenery. The beauty of the worlds within SL or any virtual worlds is in the eyes of the beholder. They are embued with the emotional presence of their creators. When you have walked the sims and talked to the creators who make it all possible, you see them in all their glorious patience and craftsmanship.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Second Life Is Past the Hype
A lot of people I talk to seem to think that Second Life was a fad that has peaked and faded. Not true. The following posts show it to be doing very well:
Here are three from one of my favorite SL bloggers, Dusan Writer:
Air Force Plans to Use Second Life Giving recruits avatars in SL is a fascinating plan ...
Eduction In Virtual Worlds A listing of his blogs over the years on education in virtual worlds.
Virtual Worlds and the Military Amputee The Amputee Virtual Environment Support System (AVESS) is discussed.
And other sources, which I admit is hardly exhaustive of what's out there:
Healthcare education in SL Dozens of hospitals, medical schools and health foundations have staked out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill they can imagine.
Medicine in the Virtual World More resources about what is going on in SL that is healthcare related.
Rutgers University About to open its Second Life simulation.
The one aspect of using virtual worlds for handling education and business continues to be the need for high-end computing power to make the most of it. That issue continues to be addressed with more powerful PCs and an economy that forces manufacturers to make them available more cheaply than ever.
Here are three from one of my favorite SL bloggers, Dusan Writer:
Air Force Plans to Use Second Life Giving recruits avatars in SL is a fascinating plan ...
Eduction In Virtual Worlds A listing of his blogs over the years on education in virtual worlds.
Virtual Worlds and the Military Amputee The Amputee Virtual Environment Support System (AVESS) is discussed.
And other sources, which I admit is hardly exhaustive of what's out there:
Healthcare education in SL Dozens of hospitals, medical schools and health foundations have staked out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill they can imagine.
Medicine in the Virtual World More resources about what is going on in SL that is healthcare related.
Rutgers University About to open its Second Life simulation.
The one aspect of using virtual worlds for handling education and business continues to be the need for high-end computing power to make the most of it. That issue continues to be addressed with more powerful PCs and an economy that forces manufacturers to make them available more cheaply than ever.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Never-Ending Virtual Conference
I know the knocks against Second Life as a platform for virtual conferences: measuring success by the amount of lag, steep learning curve of using SL, and voice is unreliable. There may be others, and I would invite people to bring those points up for further discussion. Let me look at what I've brought up because those three just seem to be insurmountable and deal breakers. But even before we address these problems, let's consider the very real rewards the use of SL brings to the table of handling the professional networking of virtual members in an association. I've spent considerable time dealing with just these issues and I think I have a handle on the issues, pro and con.
The advantages of a virtual conference in SL is that it brings the vaunted presence of each person via their avatar to a social gathering unobstructed by the cost of transportation and hotel accommodations, which are real issues in these economic times. Further, any association member should very well feel overlooked or even exploited when so many resources, paid for with their dues, are used for face-to-face continuing education programming and business meetings. This practice serves a minority of members, leaving the rest of the members to catch as catch can through Web-based solutions. I forget, do we call them "virtual members" because we do virtually nothing for them?
Let's consider a concept I call the never-ending virtual conference. Never mind how it's set up in Second Life and Moodle--let me have some details to forward my own consultancy, okay?
The never-ending virtual conference will make the weaknesses of Second Life-like platforms strengths. Large gatherings crashing the sim? Maintain small groups, which are more ideal for learning and networking anyway. By spreading programming, meetings, and other events over the course of a year, groups will evolve through mutual interests and levels of skill for effective learning situations. The side benefit of such networking will be a strong desire to meet the person behind the virtual person and help attendance at face-to-face events.
This can be done on the Main Grid, in an OpenSim situation, or using the new enterprise version of Second Life. Numerous organizations have already forged into this new frontier with varying amounts of success--I will not cite their stories here.
The advantages of a virtual conference in SL is that it brings the vaunted presence of each person via their avatar to a social gathering unobstructed by the cost of transportation and hotel accommodations, which are real issues in these economic times. Further, any association member should very well feel overlooked or even exploited when so many resources, paid for with their dues, are used for face-to-face continuing education programming and business meetings. This practice serves a minority of members, leaving the rest of the members to catch as catch can through Web-based solutions. I forget, do we call them "virtual members" because we do virtually nothing for them?
View of ALA Island where programming and events have taken place for three years.
Let's consider a concept I call the never-ending virtual conference. Never mind how it's set up in Second Life and Moodle--let me have some details to forward my own consultancy, okay?
The Never-ending Conference
Okay, it’s a scary thought! I always loved going to conferences and meeting the faces behind the emails and blogs and Twitters, but to do it every day in and day out? Somebody shoot me! Nonetheless, in the virtual world, the never-ending conference is a concept worth exploring very closely. Not only in terms of programming and educational content but in the basic business operations of a membership organization, the never-ending conference is the undeniable future of associations.
The never-ending conference will make the weaknesses of Second Life-like platforms strengths. Large gatherings crashing the sim? Maintain small groups, which are more ideal for learning and networking anyway. By spreading programming, meetings, and other events over the course of a year, groups will evolve through mutual interests and levels of skill for effective learning situations. The side benefit of such networking will be a strong desire to meet the person behind the virtual person and help attendance at face-to-face events.
A face-to-face conference that never ends is a scary thought! I always loved going to conferences and meeting the faces behind the emails and blogs and Twitters, but to do it every day in and day out? Somebody shoot me! Nonetheless, in the virtual world, the never-ending conference is a concept worth exploring very closely. Not only in terms of programming and educational content but in the basic business operations of a membership organization. I would go so far as to say that the never-ending conference is the undeniable future of associations.The never-ending virtual conference will make the weaknesses of Second Life-like platforms strengths. Large gatherings crashing the sim? Maintain small groups, which are more ideal for learning and networking anyway. By spreading programming, meetings, and other events over the course of a year, groups will evolve through mutual interests and levels of skill for effective learning situations. The side benefit of such networking will be a strong desire to meet the person behind the virtual person and help attendance at face-to-face events.
This can be done on the Main Grid, in an OpenSim situation, or using the new enterprise version of Second Life. Numerous organizations have already forged into this new frontier with varying amounts of success--I will not cite their stories here.
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