Monday, April 2, 2012

Innovation at Mayo Clinic

I've been seeing a lot of notices from the Mayo Clinic in Second Life:
Group Notice From: Mayo Clinic Staff, Svea Morane
TBI: The Signature Injury of Modern Warfare and its Impact on Veterans' Lives

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Presentation Co-Sponsored by Etopia and Virtual Ability

Presented simultaneously in voice and text.

PRESENTER:  Cindy Tandy (RL)/Eve Maven (SL)
FRIDAY March 30, 4pm SLT
The Sojourner Auditorium, Virtual Ability Island

Group Notice From: Mayo Clinic Staff, Svea Morane
As part of Brain Injury Awareness Month, Etopia and Virtual Ability are co-sponsoring "Neurobiology of PTSD".
FRI, March 30, 1pm SLT
Bayview Ampitheater- Ecotopia EcoCommunity

Presentation in voice, with text transcription.
Attached notecard has more information and landmark

Group Notice From: Mayo Clinic Staff, Svea Morane
Traumatic Brain Injury: New understanding - public presentation and Q/A session led by Dr. Allen Brown, physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Noon  PDT
Mayo Clinic conference center, Mayo Clinic island

Presented simultaneously in Voice and text.

Group Notice From: Mayo Clinic Staff, Svea Morane
Research on Traumatic Brain Injury is changing the way this condition is understood and manged, resulting in better care and improved lives.
Mayo Clinic is offering a 4 day, 16.75 credit hour Continuing Medical Education program March 1-4, 2011. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Update 2012. Registration is required. Details, with course agenda and registration Web site, are in the attached notecard. Course wil be presented at the Mayo Clinic Conference Center in Second Life.
Group Notice From: Mayo Clinic Staff, Svea Morane
Mayo Clinic is offering a 2.5 day, 17 credit Continuing Medical Education program February 16-18, 2012. Mayo Clinic 23rd Symposium on Minimally Invasive Pelvic Surgery: The Leading Edge. Registration is US$275. Details, with course agenda and registration Web site, are in the attached notecard. Course will be presented at the Mayo Clinic Conference Center in Second Life.
There's not alot of whining about the lack of a discount for nonprofit educational status or of negligible customer service from Linden Lab. One of the world's leading medical institutions just goes about its business using a virtual world to reach out to professionals to deliver education and networking. It's not the only way to do it but it has a legitimate functionality that goes beyond the presentational aspects of other forms of so-called virtual interactions. I've written this before:

What happens in Second Life is immersive. You are not an observer, you are a participant. You may be chatting via text or speaking via voice, but more than that, you are doing something together with the other avatars.

When you understand how significant this experience is, and it's obvious that the people at Mayo Clinic and their growing number of medical school partners understand this, then you can realize that virtual conferences in Second Life provide a compelling alternative to the face-to-face experience when someone cannot afford or is otherwise unable to attend the face-to-face version. 

As the use of of SL becomes more sophisticated, the virtual experience may very well become something that cannot be duplicated in actual life. Intersections exist between the actual and virtual where innovations can be discovered. The Medici Effect  (see also The Medici Group) asserts that real innovation occurs at such intersections.
"Through immersive learning experiences designed around the core innovation principles of The Medici Effect, we guide clients to this Intersection. We introduce randomness to inspire new ideas. We encourage the combination of unlikely concepts and help refine them into executable steps. We work with clients to rebalance risk so they can maximize opportunities and execute past failure."

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